I’ve never experienced the shore
And the heaven of the sea coast
Yet I always hear and feel
Waves in my memories, from the reel
It soothes me as I see life
In waves splashing and slapping the rocks
Molding the stubborn rocks
Going back and coming forth
Hitting heavy and sometimes soft
I love learning it
The art of living and sustaining
Waves rhyme
Growing with circumstances
Being stubborn and submissive time to time
Stubborn enough to compel
And submissive
To give ablution to reincarnate
To write something on its sand
In the depth of ocean to hide,
Takes all your secrets and pain
And scattered when collide

But reborn, again to hymn
Yet it sustain its character
But reforms time to time

                                                    Waves by Reedhima Dev.  (15th July, 2016)


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